Voice Recognition
Easy and Secure speech-to-text Transcription and Translation Services
Voice AI provides an intuitive and secure platform for transcribing and translating audio files. Users can easily upload their audio or video files for transcription in the original language or translation into English. The program features a large selection of languages. The comprehensive functions support accessibility in learning and teaching, as well as research activities by students and scholar.
Flexible and Secure Interaction with Voice AI
Voice AI ensures flexible and accessible interaction across different browsers. Transcripts of recorded files can be downloaded as text or caption files (.srt or .vtt) with timestamps. Emphasis on Data Security Voice AI places a strong emphasis on data security. To protect your privacy, our service does not store your audio files. Requests are get deleted immidiatly after processing. Responses get saved locally for 30 days. To monitor system usage and perform billing, we record the number of requests per user and the respective timestamps.