Videoconference system

BigBlueButton is a videoconference tool for higher education. It enables interactive online lectures with features such as breakout rooms, screen sharing, shared notes and a whiteboard to support collaborative learning. Ideal for seminars, tutorials and group work, it provides a platform for effective communication and collaboration between lecturers and students.

Interactivity, versatility and promotion in digital education

BigBlueButton can support digital education with tools such as an interactive whiteboard and breakout rooms for group work and collaborative work sessions. The tool enables dynamic collaboration and direct participation by providing a platform for exchange and joint work. Participants can be invited via a link to work together.

The flexibility of BigBlueButton promotes innovative forms of teaching and learning, which go beyond traditional methods and expand access to education. With extensive resources and an active community, BigBlueButton provides lecturers with tools to improve their digital teaching.


open tool

videoconferencing teaching communication teams

Further information

The privacy policy can be found here.
