Academic Cloud Help


Account Who can use these services? Every member of participating institutions can use the Academic Cloud services. To do so, please select the federated login, choose your institute and log on with your institute credentials. You will then be forwarded to the Academic Cloud main page.

Chat and Collaborate

Chat and Collaborate Access To use the service it is necessary to log in with you valid institution credentials to AcademicCloud. Installation Web-Access The service is available via web interface. The usage of the browsers Internet Explorer or Edge is not recommended (according to our experiences). Client Access The service can be used via client. Current clients are available at Manage Create a channel: Every user of the service can create their own channels.

Code Repository

Code Repository Access To use the service it is necessary to log in with you valid institution credentials to AcademicCloud. Every user can create, manage projects or groups. Users outside of these institutions can be invited to existing projects. Installation If you use the web interface no installation is needed. Log in with your institutional credentials and start with creating your (new) project. Web Access Web interface Client Access Manage TERMINOLOGY Project: A project is the virtual working environment or area for a defined task.

Layout Latex Documents

Layout Latex Documents Access To use the service it is necessary to log in with you valid institution credentials to AcademicCloud. Installation ShareLaTeX (Overleaf) is an installation of the typesetting system LaTeX on servers, useable through a modern browser without the need to install software locally. This follows the examples of services like Google Docs or Microsoft Office 365. Web-Access You can enter the service via the web interface Client Access For this service is no client available.


Manuals Sync & Share User Manual You can read the official manual for the ownCloud service online or download is as PDF. Repository User Manual You can read the official manual for the GitLab service online. LaTeX Documents User Manual You can read the official manual for the ShareLatex service online.


OnlyOffice The OnlyOffice plugin enables collaborative online editing of Office documents (text documents, spreadsheets, or presentations) within the Academic Cloud web interface. OnlyOffice can be started simply by clicking on Office files in the web view at In addition to the functions familiar to users of other Office products, the following additional features are available here: collaborative editing of files in 2 modes (fast and formal) in the “Collaboration” menu chat between collaborators comment feature Detailed user guides and video tutorials are available online from the developer.

Persistent Identifier

Persistent Identifier Access To use the service it is necessary to log in with you valid institution credentials to AcademicCloud. Installation Web-Access You can enter the service via the web interface Client Access Manage Share Groups Preferences … User manual(s) FAQs


Registration Before the service can be used, initial registration is necessary. Note: During the first login, a new account is created with the GWDG, the operator of the Academic Cloud. This can take up to three minutes. Start a browser of your choice and go to Click on “Login.” Enter your university email address (NOT your mail alias, but your MAIL ADDRESS, i.e. “username” and press Enter or click on “Login”.

Research Data Repository

Research Data Repository Access To use the service it is necessary to log in with you valid institution credentials to AcademicCloud. Installation Users do not have to install anything while using the web-interface. Web-Access Here is the link to the web interface. Client Access Manage Once you logged in, you can create either a new “dataverse” (a data collection) or a “dataset” (which is a package containing a metadata section, and arbitrary number of files) by clicking the “Add Data” button.

Sync and Share

Sync and Share Access To use the service it is necessary to log in with you valid institution credentials to AcademicCloud. Installation Web-Access You can use the service very easily via the web interface Behavioural rules Client Access You can download the desktop client for your operating system from and install it. For instructions on how to install and work with the desktop client, see the online manual for the client.

Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing Access To use the service it is necessary to log in with you valid institution credentials to AcademicCloud. Installation Web-Access You can enter the service via the web interface Behavioural rules Mute your microphone after entering a room. Only activate your microphone when you are about to say something. This drastically reduces noise during a session. Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Shift+M Only activate your camera if it is required. Especially in large groups, processing multiple live images can become a problem for the performance of your or other users’ devices.